Translation and Interpretation

Translation and Interpretation

The Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation aims to prepare students for careers as language professionals, providing them with the knowledge, skills, and character necessary to become proficient translators and interpreters who are able to effectively communicate between languages and cultures. Our program encourages students to participate in ongoing progress in language education and research by teaching and modeling inquiry methodologies and data-informed instruction.

Graduates of this major are expected to demonstrate proficiency in critical thinking, communication fluency, quantitative fluency, and specialized knowledge applied to translation and interpretation. In addition to these campus-wide student learning outcomes, graduates of this major will be able to:

1. Be an informed and responsible citizen with a sense of national and global identity, appreciation of positive values and attitudes, and respect for diversity in society.
2. Acquire and construct a broad and solid knowledge base in both the source and target languages, and understand contemporary issues that may impact on language and culture at personal, community, national, and global levels.
3. Develop and apply generic skills in an integrative manner, and become an independent and self-directed learner for future study and work.
4. Use information and information technology ethically, flexibly, and effectively in the practice of translation and interpretation.
5. Understand one’s interests, aptitudes, and abilities, and develop and reflect upon personal goals with aspirations for further studies and future careers in language professions.
6. Lead a healthy lifestyle with active participation in a variety of activities including arts and sports.

  • Fee -
  • Duration -
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  • Quizzes -
  • Pass Percentage -